An Udyam Registration Certificate is an e-certificate issued on the completion of your MSME registration process. Read on to know why Udyam Registration matters and how can you apply for it.

In a move to digitize India and streamline processes better, the Udyam Registration Portal is a new and improved tech-first system launched by the Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises to boost and facilitate MSME growth in India and provide all the necessary support to MSMEs across the board.

An Udyam Registration, also known as an MSME Registration, comprises of a government sign-off provided along with a Recognition Certificate and a Unique Number. This is instrumental if you wish to certify that your small or medium business or enterprises is legal and operational.

For micro or smaller business enterprises, the Udyam Registration takes place under the Ministry of MSME, GOI.

While the usage of the terms MSME Registration/UdyogAadhaar belong to the old system of registration, where a UAM Number was generated for confirmation. With effect from 1st July 2020, the MSME Registration/UdyogAadhaar has been migrated to the new system called Udyam Registration. It is mandatory to migrate to Udyam Registration even if you have already obtained MSME Registration.

In normal circumstances, it takes around 1 to 2 weeks to generate the Udyam Certificate after generating your Udyam Registration Number.

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